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Create an eye-catching illumination in your garden without worrying about mains installation with the Lumify Vintage Bulbs USB Solar Vintage Bulb Lights. Place in trees, around garden furniture, draped over pergolas and floral arches, the Lumify string lights use a high-efficiency circuit design with enhanced USB charging and Powersaving technology to offer superb performance all year round. Each set contains 10 x bulbs that contain 4 vintage-style warm white micro LED bulbs, spaced 80cm apart on a 7.2 wire string. Offering the brightness typical of mains brightness, the Lumify Vintage Bulbs allow you to add pretty lights anywhere outdoors without mains power. Its lithium-ion battery is pre-installed but can be easily replaced in the future. Suitable for all year round use, the solar power panel is designed for use in typical UK winter conditions and is fully waterproofed. The lights can be powered by both solar power and USB, so are suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Charge them inside ready for a special evening or party. This can be done easily by detaching the light string and panel, take the control tube inside and plug into the mains to charge in a little as 3 hours. The lights offer a runtime for 12 hours from a single USB charge with a little solar power. With an optional ‘Powersaving’ mode, the brightness of the light can be reduced to double run times. Turning on automatically at night and off at dawn, the lights also feature a manual on/off switch and boast 8 lighting modes. Designed to work throughout a UK winter, the solar panel is made from frost resistant polycrystalline and is easy to mount on a fence or wall. Connected to the control tube by a 2m cable, the solar panel can be positioned in a great location yet still have the control panel within easy reach. Technical Specifications: Total Length of cable: 9.1m Control pack to Lights: 1.9m 7.2 m of lights 10 x Vintage bulbs (spaced 80cm apart) Run Time: Up to 12 hours on a USB charge USB Charge Time: 3 hours
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